Growth Marketing Manager (B2B/B2D)

Oursky Team


We're looking for an experienced Product Growth Marketing Manager to help lead our marketing efforts and drive exponential growth for our products and The ideal candidate should have proven experience achieving exponential growth for similar SaaS products.

Read more about Oursky at the Careers @ Oursky


  • Drive exponential growth leading to visible business results via Content Marketing, PR, or other growth hack strategies.
  • Responsible for setting the quarterly OKRs and PV, MQL, and SQL KPIs.
  • Help to develop and execute our product marketing strategy for Authgear and FormX.
  • Collaborate with Sales and Product teams to drive product adoption
  • Develop a strong product positioning and go-to-market strategies that resonate with our target audiences.
  • Conduct market research to understand customer needs, identify market trends, and gather competitive intelligence.
  • Develop and execute marketing campaigns across multiple channels that drive user acquisition, retention, and revenue growth.


What we are looking for in you

  • At least 3 years of proven experience in a B2B SaaS company or Developer Tools;
  • Experience in growing traffic for products which target software / IT decision-makers such as CIOs, IT Managers, Product Managers, Developers, etc.;
  • Experience in other B2B SaaS companies / high-growth start-ups would be a big plus;
  • Excellent written English is a must;
  • Stay up to date with the latest market trends


Taipei, Hong Kong, Remote

What We Offer

  • Flexible work location
  • Profit-sharing plan for staff joining 2+ years
  • Opportunity for professional growth
  • Flexible vacation policy
  • Startup culture

How to Apply

Apply at







  • 彈性上班時間,可遠端工作
  • 無請假限制,補班日不上班
  • 可以吸貓(對!我們養貓!)
  • 扁平化的公司架構,歡迎直接嗆老闆
  • 公開透明的薪酬、調薪和升遷制度
  • 辦公室配置 MacBook 及 27” 螢幕
  • 每週聚餐和每月團體活動
  • 休閒設備(Switch、PS、滑步機等等)
  • 免費零食、咖啡機、飲料
  • 海外辦公室機票補助
  • 法定福利(勞保、健保、勞工退休金)
  • 加入公司 2 年以上的同事可一起分享公司利潤


NT$ 81,000 - 123,000 (月薪)