【PicCollage 線上同樂會】團隊開箱 X 產品分享 X 交流

PicCollage 拼貼趣是一個創意照片拼貼app,我們正在尋找喜歡新創環境的正職夥伴及實習生!


短影片的時代來臨 🎞

PicCollage 也將在影音編輯的領域邁向下一個里程碑!✨


這次的 「PicCollage 線上同樂會」活動,除了和 PicCollage Members 近距離交流外,也會邀請負責影片產品開發的 Developers 和大家介紹 PicCollage 下一個階段的 “Video Editing” 開發重點!另外我們也會分享團隊近況,及在非分流的 Hybrid Working Mode 下如何維持高效團隊協作 💪



- 對於 ”Video Editing 影音編輯產品開發“ 主題討論有興趣 🤩

- 想瞭解 PicCollage 產品技術、內容 😎

- 想認識我們特別的信任、開放討論、彈性團隊文化 😍

- 好奇什麼是非分流的 Hybrid Working Mode 😉

- 正在尋找下一個在國際市場發光的機會 🤝

快來線上和我們同樂!活動將透過 GatherTown 線上進行,歡迎各個領域的夥伴一起交流 🥳



🗓 日期|2022/07/07 (Thur.)

⏰ 時間|19:00-20:00

📋 活動細節|7/5 (Tue.) 透過 email 寄送活動相關資訊與連結

👉 報名連結|https://bit.ly/3a3e0am




【 PicCollage Online Mixer 🤩

The era of short videos has arrived 🎞 and PicCollage will also reach the next milestone in the domain of video processing!

In this Online Mixer, we will share how we collaborate as a team while we work in our unique hybrid mode, and invite our Explore team working on new products to chat with you about what we're up to next: Video Editing!


If you... 💡

- are interested in video editing or video production

- want to learn more about our culture of trust, open communication, and our unique

flexible work environment

- want to know about PicCollage's product technology and content

- are looking to join an international environment with a diverse team

You won't want to miss this event! The Mixer will be hosted online on GatherTown and we encourage everyone to come join, mingle, and ask us any questions you may have!


Activity Information

🗓Date|2022/07/07 (Thur.)


📋Event Details|7/5 (Tue.) Send event-related information and links via email

Sign up here 👉 https://bit.ly/3a3e0am


Latest job vacancies: https://picc.co/careers/








Flexible Work Time & Remote Work 彈性上下班時間 & 遠端工作

Maker Time 每週一天 Maker Time,不進行不必要的會議和討論

Team Activities and Workshops 各式活動與學習機會 (技術分享、Design Demo, Hack Days等)

Fun, Creative & International 雙語工作環境,團隊成員來自世界各地

Free Lunch and Dinner in the Office 辦公室內團隊午餐晚餐

Sports Classes in Office/Online 和同事一起起來動一動

PicCafe 健康零食水果,永遠餵飽你的胃

Awesome & Fun Office 有趣舒適大稻埕風的辦公室


NT$ 0 - 0 (月薪)