German Marketing Intern 德文行銷實習生




**Applicants are required to be proficient in foreign language other than Chinese or English.

【Only application via the following url will be processed.】

AmazingTalker is dedicated to building up an all-around online learning platform, letting anyone find their suitable teachers, and learn any languages or knowledge online. Since the establishment in December 2016, we have accumulated over 600 thousand registered users in more than 60 countries and regions. In April 2020, we are selected as “20+ Education start-up (教育新創20+)” by an influential education brand (親子天下). We aim to become an international start-up, to let the world know about Taiwan.

Our company’s culture:

About the Program

AmazingTalker is undergoing rapid expansion, our vision is not only building up an online teaching platform and becoming a machine that only aims to earn money. Education as our starting point, our mission is to promote Taiwan brand’s ideology worldwide and iterate our service and brand that can advance the development, can be valuable to human’s civilization.

AT Marketing Intern Program’s aim is to recruit potential fresh graduates, board this rapidly rising “startup rocket”, go on an adventure together. You will experience a speedy working pace, through participating in projects that are significant to the company’s development, you can accumulate practical experiences and enhance problem-solving abilities.

If you feel passionate about our value and vision, you are the talent we are looking forward to!

About Marketing Team

Learn more about this position and make application via the following url:

About the Internship

Do you have strong motivation and expectations for international market management and marketing skills? In this internship program, you will learn how to participate in the establishment of new overseas markets and use various marketing strategies to help accelerate growth. During the internship, you will accumulate practical experience and master the core operating principles of content marketing and website marketing.

【Five core abilities will be learnt】

  1. Understand the core knowledge and operational logic of SEO and website marketing
  2. Cooperations with partners aiming at market expansion
  3. Establish a complete paid marketing channel and continue optimizing
  4. Assist in the design and application of marketing funnel
  5. Learn the knowledge and application of growth hacker

【Five tools will be used】

  1. Website analysis - Google Analytics
  2. Search analysis - Google Search Console
  3. Advertising - Facebook Ads、Google Ads、Twitter Ads
  4. Community management - Facebook、Instagram、Twitter、TikTok
  5. User qualitative research - AmazingTalker database, user list

Your Journey at AmazingTalker

Learn more about this position and make application via the following url:

Job information

  1. Job type: Part-time/ Full-time internship
  2. Working time: At least 3 days, at most 5 days a week, 11:00-19:00
  3. Location: Xinzhuang district of New Taipei City (新北市新莊區)
  4. Salary: NT$ 200 / hour or NT$ 28000 - 40000/month
  5. The internship will start from June 2021 and last for 3 months.
  6. Fresh graduate, foreign students in Taiwan and foreigner with working holiday visa are welcome.
  7. If you match our team and perform well, you will have the opportunity to become a full-time employee.



AmazingTalker 致力建立一個全面的線上學習平台,讓任何人都可以找到合適的家教,在線上學習任何語言和知識。自2016年12月創辦以來,我們在60多個國家和地區,累積超過600,000名註冊用戶。在 2020 年 4 月,更被「親子天下」入選為【教育新創20+】,成為全台最具創新力道的20家教育新創之一。我們目標是成為全球性的新創,讓世界看見台灣。


About the Program

AmazingTalker 正在快速擴張的階段,我們的願景不只是一個線上教學平台,也不是一家只為了賺錢為核心的機器。AmazingTalker 的使命是以教育為起點,將台灣品牌的理念拓展至全世界,為人類文明創造更多的價值。

AT Marketing Intern Program 的目的是招募有潛力的社會新鮮人,共同搭上體驗這艘正在快速上升的新創火箭,一起成就偉大冒險的旅程。你將會親身體驗宇宙無敵快的工作步調,透過參與對公司發展有極大意義的專案,累積實戰經驗和提昇解決問題的能力。

『人才是 AmazingTalker 最重要的資產。』是我們企業文化中的核心信條,我們十分重視每個人的自我成長及個人目標,加入 AmazingTalker 的夥伴都明確知道自己人生在追求的事物。在達成AmazingTalker 的營運目標的過程中,同時在實踐自己的人生目標和理想。推動你不斷往前的動能來自於你對實踐自己目標的渴望,不管路途中有多少荊棘和困難,你不會因為害怕失敗而不敢嘗試,在骨子裡願意接受任何挑戰的DNA會驅使你勇往直前!


了解你的團隊 About Marketing Team


你未來的實習體驗 About the Internship



  • 了解 SEO、網站行銷的核心知識與運作邏輯
  • 以市場擴張為目標的合作夥伴洽談
  • 建立完善的付費行銷渠道並持續優化
  • 協助平台營運漏斗的設計及套用
  • 學習成長駭客的知識與應用


  • 網站分析 - Google Analytics
  • 搜尋分析 - Google Search Console
  • 廣告投放 - Facebook Ads、Google Ads、Twitter Ads
  • 社群經營 - Facebook、Instagram、Twitter、TikTok
  • 使用者質性研究 - AmazingTalker 數據庫, 用戶名單

Your Journey at AmazingTalker



  • 工作類型:兼職/全職實習
  • 工作時間:一週最少 3 天,最多 5 天 ,11:00 - 19:00
  • 工作地點:新北市新莊區
  • 計薪方式:時薪 NT$ 200 或 月薪 NT$ 28000 - 40000
  • 實習預計在 2021 年 6 月開始,為期至少 3 個月。
  • 歡迎應屆畢業生、在台僑生、持有打工渡假的外國人申請。
  • 如順利融入團隊協作且表現優異,有機會轉正職。


We're looking for an intern who has

  1. Strong learning ability: AmazingTalker has a lot of unsolved unknowns, we do not have a fixed SOP, you cannot be afraid of facing abstract problems, find the way out yourself, and learn quickly to solve those unknowns
  2. Strong executive ability: In AmazingTalker, the supervisor will not keep an eye on you the whole day long, we have to continuously iterate every day. Only if you are autonomous enough, clearly know the relations between your own goal and task, you can catch up with the pace of your colleagues.
  3. Great ambition: Every colleague in AmazingTalker are eager to stand on their own stage, shine in a certain field, be seen and recognized by the world. They will make an all-out effort to achieve the goal.
  • You must possess the following language abilities:
  1. Chinese or English (Advanced level or above)
  • You must be proficient in one of the following languages:
  1. Japanese
  2. Korean
  3. Spanish
  4. French
  5. German
  6. Italian
  7. Portuguese
  8. Russian
  9. Arabic
  10. Dutch
  11. Turkish
  12. Thai
  13. Malay
  14. Polish

We're looking for


  1. 學習能力強:AmazingTalker 有大量未知的問題等待解決,沒有一套制定好的 SOP,你不會害怕面對模糊抽象的問題,能夠自己摸索方向,並透過快速吸引知識把未知問題解決!
  2. 執行力強:在AmazingTalker 沒有主管會整天追著屁股跑,我們每天都不斷的迭代更新,唯有自主性強,清楚知道自己的目標和任務的關聯,才能跟上夥伴們的步調。
  3. 企圖心強:AmazingTalker 的夥伴都渴望能夠站上一個屬於自己舞台,在某個領域發光發亮,被世界看見和認可你的才華,為了達成目標會想盡辦法,全程投入在環境中。

** 必須具備以下語言能力:

  • 中文 或 英文 (進階以上程度)

** 必須精通以下其中一種外語:

  • 日語
  • 韓語
  • 法文
  • 西班牙文
  • 德文
  • 意大利文
  • 葡萄牙文
  • 俄文
  • 阿拉伯文
  • 荷蘭語
  • 土耳其文
  • 泰文
  • 馬來語
  • 波蘭語







  • 週休二日、國定假日連休不補班
  • 15天的特休假,每年增加一天
  • 女性同仁每月生理假 1 天
  • 彈性上下班時間(上班 9:00 - 12:00 ;下班 18:00 - 21:00)【有特別列明固定上班時間的崗位除外】


  • 提供學習補助金讓你可以購買線上英文課程、線上課程、外部課程和書籍
  • 重訓器材、瑜珈教室、拳擊擂台、冥想室
  • 每星期舉辧拳擊課、瑜珈課
  • 吃不完的零食、飲料和健康食品
  • 每週一到五提供免費晚餐
  • 豪華按摩椅、懶骨頭、PS4、Switch 電動
  • 有一隻公司貓『啤啤』偶爾會撒嬌


  • 距離捷運『新北產業園區站』走路 1 分鐘路程
  • 佔地 1,200 坪辦公室
  • 配備人體工學辦公椅、站桌、升降桌
  • 配備 1 - 2 台 24~27 吋外接特大螢幕
  • 提供最新 MacBook 或 電腦補助


  • 薪資架構每年 14 個月
  • 按工作表現每半年到一年加薪
  • 員工股權認購



NT$ 200 - 200 (時薪)