BP&A經營企劃 (Business Planning & Analysis)

研華科技 Advantech

Job Description

1. Business Partnering & Decision Support
-Facilitate business strategy planning process of business units and provide comments with solid financial rationale behind
-Support management team in strategic direction setting as well as cross-functional strategic alignment
2. Performance Management & Financial Planning
-Provide relevant insights to business unit through financial result analysis (including revenue, cost and margin)
-Conduct financial planning and budgeting for business unit
3. Others
-Ad hoc business/financial analysis
-Prepares presentation for designated meeting purposes


-5 years above working experience; Cross function experience is a plus
-Bachelor degree above; Master degree is preferred
-Proficient in English oral and written communication
-Proactive working attitude with attention to details and numbers
-Ability to think independently and work effectively and efficiently with people at all levels in an organization
-Strong interpersonal skill to understand organizational dynamics and influence counter parties to align with corporate strategy





ABLE Club從「心」出發落實研華美滿人生

研華ABLE Club─美滿人生俱樂部中的「ABLE」一字,象徵的是Advantech Beautiful LifE,研華員工不只是樂在工作,從中獲得滿滿的成就感和認同感;在工作之餘,也能藉由ABLE Club豐富而多采多姿的活動,將「愛」與家人、同事、和其他社福團體分享,把幸福快樂的氛圍從自身散發出去,逐漸感染整個社會。

透過福委會和社團精心設計的各種活動,我們的愛從研華擴及到了研華眷屬;透過服務他人、利他的服務活動,我們的愛心無遠弗屆,傳遞到社會的每個角落;透過基金會產學合作平台,我們用愛灌溉社會的青年幼苗,讓他們逐漸長成枝繁葉茂的高聳樹木,用所學回饋社會;透過研華ABLE Club,我們的愛成就了研華人的美滿人生,無私的愛心也就此傳送出去,讓更多人一起迎向美滿的人生!


Salary Range

Negotiable (Above 40K TWD)