Customer Operation Manager 客戶營運經理

Alfred Systems Inc. (阿福管家)

Recently update on 2022-09-14

Job Description

Hi, we are Alfred Labs, a start-up dedicated to developing software to make security easy and free for everyone. Our product, AlfredCamera, which turns old phones into security cameras, is now the most popular home security app around the world!

【 Job Overview 】

We are looking for a Customer Operation Manager to oversee the user feedback. Your job is leading the Voice of Customer Team members to assist our global users in trouble-shooting, to oversee user experience, and to dig into use cases and find the root cause. Patience, empathy, passion, and ownership are a must for this position.

【 Responsibilities and Duties 】

  • Take the initiative on user feedback management/analysis, user self-troubleshooting improvement, and user experience optimization.
  • Iterate user relationship products, including the user feedback form, Alfred Help Center, customer service guide and Zendesk workflow.
  • Practically be engaged in customer service tasks to ensure a comprehensive understanding of user problems. 


【 Qualifications 】

- Fluency in writing and reading English.

- Have a sense of mission to solve users’ problems.

- Experience working in the software industry and be familiar with domain knowledge.

- Be able to learn new tools, workflow and corporate with teams from various functions.

- An open mindset to speak up for users as well as see the big picture of the product design.

Remote type

Hybrid Interview
Hybrid Job

Preferred Qualifications

【 Preferred Qualifications 】

- Experience as an English Customer Service Specialist, Product Manager, UX Designer, or any other roles related to users.

- Cross-country working/cultural experience.








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挑高 4 米 6 的人性化工作空間,整片落地窗南北通透,遠眺陽明山



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Nespresso 膠囊咖啡與奶泡機 


舉辦 Afternoon Party,可以享用美味下午茶、沉浸在微醺的 Happy Hour 裡

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Salary Range

NT$ 40,000 - 60,000 (Monthly)