Growth Manager 用戶成長團隊經理

Alfred Systems Inc. (阿福管家)

Job Description

[Your Role]

Growth manager is the position that builds and manages growth strategies for an App company targeting global market in every aspects, including user acquisition, revenue, user ratings, user retentions…etc. He/She must be very familiar with all kinds of analytical tools to find out the effective elements and make optimal decisions based on numbers. He/She is good at designing A/B testing to experiment and fine tune every assumptions, until the best performing factors are found. He/She knows very well about human nature that users often talk inconsistently with what they behave, as well as the same factor drives very different results among countries with different languages and cultures. He/She has to work with data engineers, copywriters, and UI designers to design campaigns for acquiring users or boost sales numbers from very different sides of the spectrum.

In this position you can put your wild ideas into practice on a consumer product that millions of people are using. You can work with the most talented product experts consisted of software engineering, data science, machine learning, user research, UI/UX design, copywriting, software quality assurance… all focusing on making the BEST home security app around the world!

[Your responsibility]

1. User acquisition: manage strategies for both organic and paid channels for acquiring users

2. Optimize all kinds of conversion rates in every stages of a user journey.

3. Revenue: design and execute the strategies to grow revenue streams from free and paid customers, including ads monetization, paywall design, subscription plan design, pricing…etc.

4. User retention: quantitative analysis on user experience and find out the elements that affect the retention and look for ways to improve it.

5. App research: always keep an eye on the changes in growth strategies from the best performing apps in category as well as competitors.



Hard Skills:

1. BS graduated with 2+ years hands-on experience in growth marketing related activities in mobile app industry. Engineering background is preferred.

2. Familiar with app store consoles and major analytical tools such as Flurry, Fabric, Google Analytics, Firebase…etc.

3. Familiar with ads monetization methods and platforms and experienced in related performance optimizations.

4. Familiar with subscription model and experienced in pricing and growth strategies.

5. Familiar with ASO/SEO and other organic growth methodologies.

6. Familiar with paid acquisition channel and methods to optimize CTR/CPA.

Soft Skills:

1. Sensitive to numbers.

2. Strategic thinking

3. Decent English reading/writing skill.

4. Strong curiosity to find out the real cause that drives the final results.

5. Good communication/expression skills.







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【 部分福利僅全職人員適用 】

Salary Range

NT$ 75,000 - 120,000 (Monthly)