Job Description

【As an Elastic/ELK Engineer you will be】
✦Working within a team of like-minded professionals to plan, deploy, and maintain critical business applications.
✦Designing and implementing appropriate centralized logs environments for those applications and provide production support.
✦Influencing other teams and broader Engineering groups in adopting Logging best practices.
✦Redesigning legacy applications for log standardization (and correlation).
✦Automating the provisioning of environments: cooking up some recipes with Ansible, and deploying environments using containers.
✦Designing and developing automation workflows that builds the centralized logs platform.
✦Troubleshooting problems, involving the appropriate resources and driving resolution of issues with a focus on minimizing impact to our customers.
✦Participating in the Agile DevOps design, development, testing, and release of new capabilities and features with focus on release and post-production support.
✦Representing production support for the suite of apps in the domain in Agile stand-ups, planning sessions and deployment activities.
✦Driving improvements to processes and design enhancements to automation to continuously improve the production environment.
✦Identifying reoccurring issues and work with IT & Business partners to remediate using the problem management process.


【Qualification and experience】
✦Bachelor’s Degree or equivalent experience required
✦5+ years of overall experience in professional software engineering
✦At least 2+ years of hands-on experience with ELK
✦At least 1+ years of hands-on experience with Ansible and Docker
✦Strong background in Linux / Unix Administration
✦Expertise with ELK stack : ElasticSearch, Logstash, Kibana
✦Experience with automation/configuration management using Ansible
✦Ability to use a wide variety of open source technologies and cloud services
✦A working understanding of code and script (PHP, Python, Perl and/or Ruby)
✦Knowledge of best practices and IT operations in an always-up, always-available service





1. 勞健、團體保險
2. 員工配股
3. 年終獎金
4. 部門聚餐
5. 慶生會
6. 績效獎金
7. 完整的教育訓練
8. 順暢的升遷管道

1. 週休二日
2. 特休/年假
3. 女性同仁生理假
4. 生日假
5. 結婚禮金
6. 生育津貼
7. 員工進修補助

1. 交通便利的辦公室地點,靠近捷運101/世貿站,1號出口走路五分鐘內就能到
2. 設施齊全的商辦大樓,甚至備有淋浴間,讓你騎腳踏車通勤也不怕滿身汗臭
3. 開放寬敞的工作環境,抱著筆電想在哪工作就在哪工作
4. 公司備有咖啡機、咖啡豆,工作累時,隨時提振你的精氣神
5. 辦公室有各式飲料、零食和時不時的老闆請客聚餐,不怕你吃,只怕你不吃

1. 第一天報到會有一台 MacBook 讓你使用,「工欲善其事,必先利其器」嘛!
2. 我們愛惜並培育一起努力的人,員工享有完善的教育訓練,除了提供你專業領域的進修補助,還有海外受訓的機會
3. 公司福委會為當月的壽星同事慶生,分享快樂
4. 團隊的成員每個臥虎藏龍,加入以後會與很棒的同事共事,彼此激盪、穩定成長


Salary Range

Negotiable (Above 40K TWD)