Job Description

CloudMile is a young start-up team which enable clients solving most mission-critical challenges by leveraging top-notch artificial intelligence, cloud and security technologies with leading vendors in the markets.
As a “CloudMiler”, we thrive to be the leading Enterprise-grade Artificial Intelligence, cloud and security solutions providers in Asia. We are the First Google Premier Partner to acquire Infrastructure and machine learning Specializations in North Asia with strong investment in R&D and technologies.

【Job Description】
✦ Cooperate with data scientist, data engineer, and cloud architect to develop system for machine learning uses cases.
✦ Work in an Agile, collaborative environment to understand requirements, design, code and test innovative applications, and support those applications for our highly valued customers.
✦ Responsible for creating application programming interfaces (APIs) that are clean, well-documented, and easy to use.
✦ Responsible for building new features, maintaining existing codebase, and solving all sorts of technical problems.
✦ Responsible for Evaluating and improving the performance, durability, and security of published services
✦ Responsible for Investigating and implementing cutting-edge technologies that enhance business value


【Minimum Qualification】
✦ BS degree in Computer Science, similar technical field of study or equivalent practical experience.
✦ 1 years of software development experience in one or more general purpose programming languages, prefered Python or JavaScript.
✦ 2 years of software development experience in object-oriented language, (Java, Swift, C++, etc)
✦ Software development experience in data pipeline, backend system, server system or cloud-Based development
✦ Strong with verbal and written communication skills and thrive on collaboration working side by side with people of all background and disciplines
✦ Great at solving problems, debugging, troubleshooting, designing and implementing solutions to complex technical issues.
✦ Experience working with two or more from the following: web application development, Unix/Linux environments, mobile application development, distributed and parallel systems, machine learning, information retrieval, natural language processing, networking, developing large software systems, and/or security software development.

【Preferred Qualification】
✦ Familiar with Google Cloud Platform
✦ Participating in the Agile DevOps design, development, testing, and release of new capabilities and features with focus on release and post-production support
✦ hands-on experience with database management, Apache Hadoop, Redis, MySQL, or NoSQL, etc.
✦ hands-on experience with Spark, Apache Beam, or Elasticsearch





1. 勞健、團體保險
2. 員工配股
3. 年終獎金
4. 部門聚餐
5. 慶生會
6. 績效獎金
7. 完整的教育訓練
8. 順暢的升遷管道

1. 週休二日
2. 特休/年假
3. 女性同仁生理假
4. 生日假
5. 結婚禮金
6. 生育津貼
7. 員工進修補助

1. 交通便利的辦公室地點,靠近捷運101/世貿站,1號出口走路五分鐘內就能到
2. 設施齊全的商辦大樓,甚至備有淋浴間,讓你騎腳踏車通勤也不怕滿身汗臭
3. 開放寬敞的工作環境,抱著筆電想在哪工作就在哪工作
4. 公司備有咖啡機、咖啡豆,工作累時,隨時提振你的精氣神
5. 辦公室有各式飲料、零食和時不時的老闆請客聚餐,不怕你吃,只怕你不吃

1. 第一天報到會有一台 MacBook 讓你使用,「工欲善其事,必先利其器」嘛!
2. 我們愛惜並培育一起努力的人,員工享有完善的教育訓練,除了提供你專業領域的進修補助,還有海外受訓的機會
3. 公司福委會為當月的壽星同事慶生,分享快樂
4. 團隊的成員每個臥虎藏龍,加入以後會與很棒的同事共事,彼此激盪、穩定成長


Salary Range

Negotiable (Above 40K TWD)