Operations Intern


Job Description

We're looking for an operations intern to join our team. If you're quick on your feet, love helping people, and enjoy a fast-paced work environment, we want you on the team.

Day-to-day you'll be
- Helping out with the customer support team
- Assisting in the hiring and onboarding process for candidates and new hires
- Maintaining the office condition and arranging necessary repairs
- Organizing office operations and procedures
- Ordering snacks, coffee, and equipment
- Providing general support to visitors


About you
- Excellent time management skills and ability to multi-task and prioritize work
- Strong written and verbal communication and interpersonal skills
- Attention to detail and problem-solving skills
- Strong organizational and planning skills in a fast-paced environment
- A creative mind with an ability to suggest improvements

Bonus points
- Excellent spoken and written English
- Interest in technology and startups
- Experience with event planning






  • 很有活力
  • 成員背景多元,不只會交流程式語言,也會交流各國語言
  • 溝通扁平,我們相信所有想法都是讓團隊繼續成長的動力
  • 工作嚴謹但氣氛輕鬆
  • 喜歡學習,交流新事物
  • 致力於解決真正的問題,而非虛榮的指標
  • 幽默感十足,辦公室隨時都會有很好玩的事情
  • 不只是工作夥伴也是可以聊天和假日相約的好友


  • 優於勞基法的請假制度(到職即有假,且無限年假)
  • 年度健康檢查補助
  • 員工在家工作軟硬體補助(包含網路費、辦公桌椅、螢幕...等)
  • 每月購書補助
  • 生日時有精心準備的感人卡片及小禮物
  • 特殊日子會有免費飲料
  • 三不五時的溫馨聚餐和出遊
  • 彈性的上下班時間和工作地點


  • 在交通極度方便的好地方,離忠孝新生站差不多30秒的步行距離,旁邊有非常多飲料及美食
  • 大桌子、大螢幕和夠強的冷氣,standing desk 當然也少不了
  • 舒服明亮寬敞的環境,有很好的view
  • 吃不完的零食、茶、咖啡和常常冒出來的各地美食

Why Arc & Codementor?

  • A smart and energetic team that is passionate about solving customers’ needs and loves to learn new things
  • Diverse team members - our colleagues are from different countries and backgrounds. We’re excited to share our experience with you
  • Flat organizational structure - you'll be able to make a profound impact on the work we do and every idea is welcome
  • Generous vacation/time-off policy
  • Remote work stipend
  • We believe in continuous learning, and we have a book/e-book benefit to help you achieve this
  • Team bonding activities, happy hour, lunch, or dinner occasionally
  • Flexible working hours and locations
  • A bright and comfortable office - with a standing desk and lots of snacks & drinks

Follow our Instagram to know more about life at Arc: https://www.instagram.com/lifeatarc.dev/

Salary Range

NT$ 150 - 200 (Hourly Salary)