Product Manager


Job Description

1. 驗証市場的速度和程式碼的可維護性-我們相信「速度」是一個 startup 成功的必要條件,而程式碼的好品質是驗証市場的基礎。
2. 對產品有一定程度的理解與熱情-我們相信唯有對產品有深入的了解,才有可能為使用者帶來好的產品和服務。
3. 重視使用者體驗-我們相信好的使用者體驗會是驅動產品進步的主要力量。

- 分析產品相關的各種數據
- 管理產品的進度、時程和資源分配
- 和工程團隊與設計團隊討論,決定產品的方向
- 規劃使用者訪談與研究
- 和客服&QA團隊一起歸納使用者的想法並篩選納入產品規劃

What you’ll do at Codementor:
- Analyze relevant data pertaining to the product
- Manage the timing, progress, and resource allocation in the product development lifecycle
- Conduct frequent discussions with the engineering and design teams to determine the direction of the product
- Plan and execute user interviews and research
- Collaborate with the support team and QA team to incorporate user ideas into product planning


- 對於產品有無比的熱情,喜歡用聰明的方法,優雅地解決問題
- 絕佳的溝通能力,享受團隊合作互相切磋的感覺
- 有主導產品從規劃、設計到實作的經驗
- 有跨部門合作的工作經驗
- 精通英語會是一大加分,如果有用英文和使用者溝通的經驗更棒
- 熟悉SQL語法,有從資料庫讀取資料分析的經驗
- 使用過並了解GA、mixpanel或amplitude相關數據分析工具
- 喜歡學習。三日不讀書,便覺語言無味,面目可憎

We want to find a Product Manager who:
- Has a passion for our product and likes to solve problems methodically and elegantly
- Has great communication skills and enjoys working with others as a team
- Has experience leading product development from planning and design to development
- Has extensive experience working with cross-functional teams
- Comfortable using SQL to query your own data
- Has experience using GA, Mixpanel, or Amplitude for data analysis
- Loves to learn!
*Bonus if fluent in English and has experience communicating with users in English






  • 很有活力
  • 成員背景多元,不只會交流程式語言,也會交流各國語言
  • 溝通扁平,我們相信所有想法都是讓團隊繼續成長的動力
  • 工作嚴謹但氣氛輕鬆
  • 喜歡學習,交流新事物
  • 致力於解決真正的問題,而非虛榮的指標
  • 幽默感十足,辦公室隨時都會有很好玩的事情
  • 不只是工作夥伴也是可以聊天和假日相約的好友


  • 優於勞基法的請假制度(到職即有假,且無限年假)
  • 年度健康檢查補助
  • 員工在家工作軟硬體補助(包含網路費、辦公桌椅、螢幕...等)
  • 每月購書補助
  • 生日時有精心準備的感人卡片及小禮物
  • 特殊日子會有免費飲料
  • 三不五時的溫馨聚餐和出遊
  • 彈性的上下班時間和工作地點


  • 在交通極度方便的好地方,離忠孝新生站差不多30秒的步行距離,旁邊有非常多飲料及美食
  • 大桌子、大螢幕和夠強的冷氣,standing desk 當然也少不了
  • 舒服明亮寬敞的環境,有很好的view
  • 吃不完的零食、茶、咖啡和常常冒出來的各地美食

Why Arc & Codementor?

  • A smart and energetic team that is passionate about solving customers’ needs and loves to learn new things
  • Diverse team members - our colleagues are from different countries and backgrounds. We’re excited to share our experience with you
  • Flat organizational structure - you'll be able to make a profound impact on the work we do and every idea is welcome
  • Generous vacation/time-off policy
  • Remote work stipend
  • We believe in continuous learning, and we have a book/e-book benefit to help you achieve this
  • Team bonding activities, happy hour, lunch, or dinner occasionally
  • Flexible working hours and locations
  • A bright and comfortable office - with a standing desk and lots of snacks & drinks

Follow our Instagram to know more about life at Arc:

Salary Range

NT$ 40,000 - (Monthly)