Job Description

•分析各類型客戶之用電模式,以設計規劃客戶可自行於 DOMI app 及網站中觀看用電報告的軟體。
•幫助團隊做績效追蹤及於 SaaS 平台設計並建立報告,包括 Zendesk。此項目著重於理解數據並為業務問題提出解決方案。

Data Analytics Lead
•This opportunity is to shape the data function for our organization, a competency that is becoming increasingly central to our work and our impact. Candidates should thrive with autonomy and be prepared to do whatever it takes to “get the job done.”
•This position will work back and forth between producing customized client reports from electricity data (data services) and designing features for use in our products (product development). The functions are both currently integrated within our product development team.
•Analyze electricity usage data from corporate customers to produce meaningful, and human-readable reports for individual clients. Explain reports to clients in a way that helps them understand the insights, regarding people of widely varying backgrounds with respect and care.
•Analyze patterns of electricity usage across sets of customers to design and configure software-driven reports for self-service use in our apps and websites
•Work with the product management team to design experiments, configure analytics, and analyze results in the testing of new product features.
•Empower operational teams to leverage the power of performance tracking, helping them design and configure reports in SaaS platforms, including Zendesk. The focus is on deriving insights from data, developing solutions to business questions.
•Be fluent and hands-on with data science tools and languages, able to design and implement the necessary workflows
•Interest and knowledge about energy use and saving principles
•Ability to communicate on a day-to-day basis with colleagues in English and Mandarin







《 我們重視每一位夥伴,希望夥伴樂在工作、享受人生,努力實現自己的目標 》

★ 每年享有春節帶薪提早假 1 天,不堵不擠回家去
★ 帶薪愛家假,忙工作也要照顧家人
★ 上、下班彈性工時制度

★ 距離科技大樓捷運站步行2分鐘
★ 美式開放自由的工作環境,上下班APP打卡
★ 結婚祝福禮金、旅遊津貼
★ 專屬員購優惠
★ 扁平化組織,沒有慣老闆
★ 定期內部教育訓練培訓(包含新人訓練、專業或管理職能等培訓)
★ 定期讓每位夥伴.瞭解公司活動訊息及經營方向

★ 各國酒水、零食、新鮮水果供應
★ 園丁慶生派對
★ 週五小聚場~沒有做不到只有想不到~美酒鑑賞/土耳其語教學/攝影課
★ Family day家庭親子日
★ 潛水、拓展、演講等組織凝聚活動
★ 福利自主金,買書、展覽、運動、學習等,任你享受福利自主
★ 園丁迎新會、園丁遠走高飛歡送會
★ 季度聚餐

Salary Range

Negotiable (Above 40K TWD)