

Looking for an opportunity to get your hands dirty and experience rapid growth? Come jo...



Hello, 我們是 Glossika 團隊,我們的願景是建立一套方法,讓語言學習者能用自己的母語學世界上任何一種外語

我們的核心開發團隊在台灣,有來自美國、俄國、中東的夥伴,多元文化讓團隊激發更多有趣的點子,平台上的學習內容、語料處理、演算法、網站建置等都是由我們自己打造 服務來自世界各地 B2C 的用戶,在 2021 年得到美國知名語言學家 John McWhorter 於紐約時報撰文推薦,另外也有像是 University of Sydney、Australia Defense College、USA Marine Coprs 等 B2B 的用戶

Glossika was established by a team of polyglots and linguists, led by Michael Campbell, who wanted to build a method that combined the latest developments in memory, language acquisition, spaced repetition, and linguistic detail to make language learning fast, effective, and easy.

2020 年|入選親子天下【教育新創 20+】
2021 年|獲得科技部徵選參與 CES 台灣新創展出
2022 年|獲得北市府產發局獎勵補助

公司成員 ( 1 / 1 )

Michael Campbell

Michael Campbell Founder & CEO

The founder and CEO of Glossika, Michael Campbell, is a world-renowned polyglot. In his pursuit of developing innovative language learning methods, Michael has conducted decades of research based on science-backed, data-driven solutions. The languages he speaks includes Chinese, Taiwanese, Russian, German, and Taiwan aboriginal languages such as Thao.



We believe that great work is accomplished through teamwork! Join Glossika -- where a team of talented and fun people works together to innovate the way the world learns languages! If you believe you are a great fit for our team but don’t see an opening, get in contact with us! 


Glossika 的創辦人 Michael 已經在語言學習領域有超過 20 年的研究經驗,對於自己過去的各種語言學研究和學習經驗,希望打造一個讓世界各地的人都可以用自己的母語學習其他外語的平台

我們針對外語學習,開發了能 scalable 的解決方案,因此無論學習者想學的是英文、法文等主流語言,或是各地的方言、原住民等小眾語言,都能在 Glossika 平台上有效率、有計劃地提升自己的外語能力,說流利的外語





  1. 完全遠端:不用進辦公室,你可以任意找一個舒服的角落工作,但前提是要有順暢的網路!
    Work from Anywhere: Break free from the traditional office setting! Our completely remote setup allows you to work from the comfort of your own space, wherever that may be.
  2. 彈性上班時間:臺灣時間早上 09:00-09:30
    Flexible Working Hours: Enjoy the freedom to start your workday anytime between 9:00 AM and 9:30 AM (Taiwan time).
  3. 專業技能津貼:我們鼓勵每位成員與專業領域的人一起共餐,你的餐費公司來補貼,每年可以申請台幣 1,000 元的餐費
    Professional Development Fund: We invest in your growth! You can apply NT $1,000 every year to have a meal or coffee with anyone whose expertise could benefit your professional growth, our products, or the company.
  4. 團隊線上閱讀資源:只要與工作技能相關的書籍,都歡迎你許願!
    Access to Reading Resources: Fuel your knowledge and skills with free online reading resources.
  5. 無限制的語言學習內容:加入 Glossika 的第一天,你就能無限制使用自家產品
    Unlimited Language Learning Content: From the first day you join Glossika, you'll have unlimited access to our in-house product.
  6. 實體面對面:不定期舉辦工作坊、聚餐等線下實體活動,我們玩過 i-Ride,也有一起參加紅十字會的 CPR+AED 基本急救訓練
    Irregular Meetups, Workshops, and Gatherings: Connect with your colleagues beyond the virtual workspace!
  7. 季度小禮物:每季都有小禮物送到家,有收過知名飯店的水果酥、網路排隊美食、健康無負擔的小點心...等 (*TW only)
    Quarterly Appreciation (TW only): You'll receive a gift every quarter
  8. 三節獎金及生日禮金:過節、過生日都有禮金 (*TW only)
    Holiday and Birthday Bonus (TW only): Team members based in Taiwan receive additional bonuses for 3 holidays and birthdays.

TW only 為在台灣的成員適用
(*TW only: for team members based in Taiwan only)

企業網誌 ( 11 )

媒體報導 ( 4 )
