Job Description

Viveport 是虛擬實境生態圈的重要推手,我們專注於創建 VR App Store 並致力鏈結開發者、消費者、硬體廠商與各行業的商家,提供多元化並具經濟效益的 VR 解決方案。除了 Viveport 所構建的 B2C 商業渠道, 我們也提供 B2B 的技術服務,讓 VR 的商業應用更加靈活。 Viveport 的目標是成為全世界最知名的 VR/AR/MR 娛樂內容平台。

如果你想打造大型可擴展式服務, 願意和夥伴一起克服技術難關,且執著於讓用戶享有最好的服務及全力提升使用者經驗的人,歡迎加入我們的行列 !

● Agile! 我們跑敏捷開發流程!
● 定期舉辦內部 Hackathon – 這天我們不製造 Bug,來創造 Feature。實踐平常沒空實踐的點子,又可以拿獎金!
● 每月二到三次的技術訓練的課程 – 我們知道你夠強了,但還是想要跟你一起成長
● 開放的工作環境 – 做累了,轉頭跟同事老闆聊個天;坐膩了,我們有站立式辦公桌給你用,還可以到 HTC CAFE 換個心情
● 免費的下午茶 / 健身房和室內籃羽球場 – 加入我們不怕餓了或渴了,還能練出六塊肌跟人魚線,TRX、飛輪、拳擊、瑜珈課程都等你上
● Work Hard 很重要,但我們更欣賞你 Work Smart !
● 當責 (Accountability) 是我們追求的文化,我們打造的是一個共好且 Open Minded 的團隊,在這裡就算你菜到掉蟲,也要成為推動團隊的一份子,跟我們一起影響世界

Viveport is a VR content/APP platform with the capability of serving not only B2C business but also has well-designed, solid and microservice architecture/infrastructure to drive B2B, B2B2C business such as Arcade, Enterprise, Education which plays a key role on VR/AR/MR ecosystem. Our platform is combined as VR application store, content management service, merchant service for global developers and consumers and it is platform agnostics which well support on Windows, Android. Developing content management service that support creation, modification, publishing VR digital content thus consumer can browser/purchase VR content in web store. Merchant service facilitates a payment transaction by the transfer of information between a payment portal and acquiring bank

As a Frontend Lead, you will
* Work on large-scale, high availability distributed services
* Coach/Mentor new hires and work with developers collaboratively on project requirements
* Plan/Execute efforts to address technical debt for legacy systems and processes
* Demonstrate commitment to quality through continuous integration/continuous deployment
* Provide technical leadership to teammates through coaching and mentorship.
* Drive adoption of industry best practices on Frontend / Backend technologies and techniques.
* Clearly documents code, testing results, and application changes in a timely fashion.
* Enhance/Re-factor existing application frameworks to develop more comprehensive development tools; Minimize future application development effort ; Foster greater code reuse.
* Perform code review or peer reviews


* BS/BA Degree in Computer Engineering
* Proficiency in JavaScript and HTML5 is required
* 3+ year of Technical Lead role guiding and executing project teams
* 1+ years working with React/Redux
* 3+ years of related web experience in a large scale enterprise web platforms
* Experience working in Agile Environment
* An understanding of web page performance optimization and site caching technologies
* Strong understanding of technical SEO, Google Analytics, Events & Goals
* Familiar with TDD, Mocha, Jasmine, other testing framework
* Stay up-to-date on emerging technologies





• 到職當日即享有年假
• 三節前一個工作天,提前下班!
• 室內籃羽球場及完善健身房設施,TRX、飛輪、拳擊、瑜珈課程等你上!
• 餐點多樣化的員工餐廳及下午茶
• 定期健康檢查、餐費補助、旅遊補助、特約診所以及眼科/牙科進階檢查補助

• 接觸 VR、AR、AI、5G、Blockchain 尖端技術
• 多元且豐富的學習環境與資源
• 國際化工作環境
• 與全球領導廠商合作的機會
• 世界級產品研發機會
• 開發國際市場的機會
• 工作時間彈性,講究個人效率

Salary Range

NT$ 1,200,000 - 2,000,000 (Annual Salary)