5G Technology & Smart Devices - Blockchain Android Application Engineer

AR VR AI 5G Blockchain

Job Description

Job Definition:
1. Android application development, include functionality, multi-media, and accessory integration.
2. Blockchain application development and integration with other Blockchain applications.
3. Research new features with new technology and potential solutions.

1. Develop Android applications for new features of products.
2. Debug, fine-tune performance, improve stability of applications during the product life cycle.
3. Integrate UI assets and refine UI flow from designer and user feedback.
4. Do the feasibility study with new technology and potential solutions.
5. Modify applications to handle the behavior changes and new functions that come along with OS upgrade.


Professional Knowledge: C/C++, JAVA, Android, Blockchain, Cryptography(optional)





• 到職當日即享有年假
• 三節前一個工作天,提前下班!
• 室內籃羽球場及完善健身房設施,TRX、飛輪、拳擊、瑜珈課程等你上!
• 餐點多樣化的員工餐廳及下午茶
• 定期健康檢查、餐費補助、旅遊補助、特約診所以及眼科/牙科進階檢查補助

• 接觸 VR、AR、AI、5G、Blockchain 尖端技術
• 多元且豐富的學習環境與資源
• 國際化工作環境
• 與全球領導廠商合作的機會
• 世界級產品研發機會
• 開發國際市場的機會
• 工作時間彈性,講究個人效率

Salary Range

Negotiable (Above 40K TWD)