新市場開發主管 New Markets Lead

Hahow 好學校

Job Description

Hahow 走入第四年,我們期望能夠讓台灣優質的內容能夠銷售到海外,同時持續累積海外優良的華語內容,達到「知識技能與觀點的有效流動」。你將在這個職位上,帶領新市場團隊設定整體目標,研究並選擇有潛力的市場,以適合的進入策略。在經營當地前期,帶領當地團隊進行內容開發、業務合作、公關與行銷工作。也可能是選擇適當的代理商,代理 Hahow 的內容進行銷售。你將直接向執行長報告,並根據現有的策略帶領新市場團隊開發大陸與馬來西亞市場。

Hahow is now expanding through sales of our excellent educational content from Taiwan to overseas markets. We hope to mobilize learning by working with online instructors in producing more high quality content for Chinese speakers across the world.

As the New Markets Lead, you will lead the team in setting goals, doing research and devising strategies for high-potential market developments. At the early stage of new market development, you will lead the team in content acquisition, business development, public relations and marketing. You will also evaluate and determine the appropriate distributors and agents for Hahow’s content. You will directly report to the CEO with your team’s development plans and marketing strategies into the Chinese and Malaysian markets.

- 訂定海外市場團隊的整體年度策略、發展方向、組織架構、工作分配與績效目標。
- 帶領海外市場團隊持續研究具有潛力的海外市場,如:競爭者分析、當地市場需求研究等,並決定市場進入策略,目前以經營東南亞華語市場與中國代理銷售為主。
- 監督並帶領當地團隊經營新開發市場,經營新開發市場初期工作內容包含:
- 擬定內容開發策略,了解當地開課合作單位與老師的需求,配合市場進行開發。
- 建立並管理當地開發大使團隊與當地業務網絡。
- 陌生業務開發與拜訪,拓展合作夥伴與維繫潛在的商業機會,快速提出有效的商業合作模式與公司夥伴討論。
- 對外代表海外團隊參與展覽、交流與會議。
- 協助客服、行銷宣傳與公關。
- 監督並管理代理銷售市場。

- Set annual strategies and organization of the New Markets Team, including task assignment and performance goal.
- Lead the Team in the research of potential overseas markets, including competitor and market analysis and strategy evaluation. Our main focus at the moment is on the market development in Southeast Asia and the management of distributors in China.
- Supervise local team in early market entry, including:
- Devise content acquisition strategies and cooperate with local partners and instructors based market demands.
- Establish and manage local market ambassador team and business network.
- Propose business cooperation and develop potential business opportunities.
- Represent the New Market Team in exhibitions, social events and meetings.
- Assist in customer service, marketing and public relations.
- Supervise and manage distributors and resellers in the market.

- 主要在台北辦公室:台北市松山區復興北路 231 巷 19 號 4 樓(南京復興捷運站走路 10 分鐘)。
- 需經常性出差,且在經營新市場初期需常駐當地。

【Work Location】
- Mainly based in the Taipei office : 4F., No. 19, Ln. 231, Fuxing N. Rd., Songshan Dist., Taipei City
- Frequent business trips to China and Malaysia will be required.

- 月薪 NT$ 73,000 以上,依能力面議,另有最高 40% 績效獎金。常駐海外期間,另有駐外津貼補助(下方顯示年薪不包含駐外津貼)。
- 保障年終獎金兩個月。
- 特休一年 15 天,每一年多一天。

【Compensation & Benefits】
- Monthly salary: NT$ 73,000 and above, with at most 40% performance bonus, negotiable based on your competencies. Additional travel and living allowance will be covered.
- Two-month annual bonus guaranteed.
- Paid annual leave: 15 days per year, increased one day per year worked.


Click on the button below, submit your personal information and upload attachments. We will contact you via email within 2 weeks.


- 須具備海外市場拓點與團隊領導經驗,或曾自行組建新團隊。
- 具備策略性思維,能決定正確的市場進入策略,並思考如何以利益交換達成與合作單位間雙贏。
- 擅長陌生開發與協商談判。
- 公關能力,能與各個合作夥伴建立良好關係並協助解決問題。
- 具有持續嘗試新事物,且不斷思考如何突破現狀的心態。
- 具備簡報製作與溝通能力。
- 良好的中、英文溝通能力。

- 曾任職於新創公司或類似快速變動的環境。
- 具備線上教育產業經驗。
- 具多樣的東南亞區域人脈。

- Experienced in developing overseas markets and building a new team.
- Effective decision making skills in development strategies and accurate assessment in market entry and business negotiations
- Expert skills in new client development and external negotiation.
- Possess public relations skills and is able to maintain good relations with business partners
- Enjoy taking on challenges and breaking through difficult situations
- Good at public presentation and communication skills
- Fluent in both written and spoken Mandarin and English.
- Experienced in working in startups or fast-changing work environment (preferred).
- Experienced in the online education industry (preferred).
- Possess well diversified connections in Southeast Asia (preferred).





- 第一年 15 天特休,多一年多一天
- 彈性上下班時間,自由地規劃與管理工作

- 每季團康會 Free time
- 部門出遊 Team Building
- 年度員工旅遊

- 不定期舉辦讀書會與技術分享會
- Hahow for Business 課程免費看
- 管理職能培訓

Salary Range

NT$ 1,220,000 - 1,510,000 (Annual Salary)