JSKZ Consulting

JSKZ Consulting

JSKZ Consulting 透過匯集海外的創業項目專案等(矽谷、溫哥華、倫敦),為台灣年輕人提供與國外團隊合作機會,提升薪資、就業、創新能力,並同時創建優質的海外供應鏈。...

About Us

JSKZ Consulting 透過匯集海外的創業項目專案等(矽谷、溫哥華、倫敦),為台灣年輕人提供與國外團隊合作機會,提升薪資、就業、創新能力,並同時創建優質的海外供應鏈。

JSKZ Consulting 與海外公司進行洽談、諮詢與互動,並為台灣新人才共同創造更優質與雙贏的商業合作模式。

JSKZ Consulting 目前著重於承包四個區塊的項目: WordPress, WebApp, Bot App 和 Cryptocurrency,並將陸續擴張我們優質團隊。


JSKZ Consulting is built on the vision of creating a community that enables Taiwanese developers to collaborate and work with international projects; providing experiences of working with international teams, latest technologies, and premium quality products.

Initially, we will start with simple early stage projects sourced from Vancouver, London, and Silicon Valley, followed by geographical and technology expansion as well as opportunities for in-house projects.

Members ( 1 / 1 )

Jason Tseng

Jason Tseng CEO & Founder

就讀 University of British Columbia,之前任職 Portfora,現在創立 JSKZ Consulting

Our Missions

Operating on human first principle, team members are given full autonomy and freedom to invent and create at their own pace.

Also, we focus on each member's personal goals and growth opportunities.

5 Pillars – (1) Trust, (2) No BS, (3) Autonomy, (4) We, (5) Own.


Welfares by law


Other benefits

工作地點:彈性 remote,有網路即可


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