Payroll Specialist 薪酬專員


Recently update on 2022-05-11

Job Description

KKday's vision is to allow every traveler to embark on a journey as they like and travel all over the world. With lockdowns around the world, the COVID-19 pandemic has hit the travel industry especially hard, however, KKday try our best to face the challenge, by deeping into domestic tourism, KKday successfully won the recognition of investors, and raised $75 million in Series C.

[Job Description]
- Ensure accurate and timely on-cycle and off-cycle payroll processing, benefit administration and reconciliation of payroll records.
- Handle administrative tasks of new hires, salary changes, termination; including entering data into systems and auditing for accuracy and compliance.
- Maintain professional knowledge of all payroll legislative changes.
- Timely response and solve employees’ questions related to payroll.
- Create, modify, and utilize spreadsheets to administer various payroll transactions.
- Assist with implementation and testing of custom applications, internal interfaces and upgrades to payroll software.
- Maintaining operational standards and adhering to department policies and procedures.
- Collaborate with HR team members to manage enhancements to processes and legislation.
- Other duties / projects as assigned.







  • 彈性工作時間 / Flexible working hour
  • 免費接駁車,通勤的煩惱 KKday 幫你解決 / To solve the commuting issue, KKday provides you Free shuttle busfrom KKday - Songshan
  • 身在美食沙漠的我們,提供員工每日午餐補助 / KKday provide employees with daily lunch subsidies
  • 每人配備 Apple Mac 筆電,外加 23 吋外接銀幕 / All KKdayer equipped with an Apple Mac laptop, plus a 23-inch external screen
  • 法定休假外每年加碼 5 天有薪旅遊假(到職即享有) / Apart from annual leave, KKday provide an additional 5 days paid travel leave per year
  • 免費咖啡無限供應,喚醒你的每一天 / Unlimited free coffee, to wake you up every day
  • 不定期超值員購商品,等你來發掘 / Diverse KKday products with valuable staff price, waiting for you to discover
  • 超便宜販賣機,不擔心你餓肚子 / Vending machine with affordable price

福委會 / Welfare committee

  • 每月下午茶,吃的、喝的由你來選擇 / Free afternoon every month
  • 婚喪病生育補助 / Marriage, funeral, sickness and childbirth subsidy
  • 三節禮金 / Festival Bonus
  • 各種社團活動 / Multiple clubs
  • 眾多特約廠商,等來發掘 / Many special manufacturers, wait to discover

Salary Range

NT$ 30,000 - (Monthly)