Mobile Live Streaming Engineer

KooData 酷訊搜索

Job Description

We are looking for someone to build the developers of our Mobile Apps products. You will be an integral part of the team and - own the mobile apps development - ensure the performance, quality, and responsiveness of applications - create clean, modern, testable, well-documented code - work within back-end for coding and troubleshooting


- 2+ Years software engineering experience in Mobile Apps

- Proficient in iOS (Objective-C) or Android (Java/C)

- Extensive experience with RTMPS and h264

- Knowledge of video streaming protocols and adaptive bitrate technologies (MPEG-DASH, HLS)

- Experience in building native mobile apps and SDKs with live streaming and event logging.

- Experience in mobile instrumentation and analytics, mobile Apps life cycle

- Demonstrated ability to learn new technologies quickly

- BS CS/EE or equivalent


- Interested in building applications using live streaming

- Experience with back-end development

- Experience with Firebase SDK, Facebook SDK and libraries available for common tasks

- Be autonomous and self driven





上班地點:混和式工作模式 :遠距+實體辦公室,具高度彈性

1. 加入koodata 你會跟非常優秀的團隊成員一起共事,一起激發靈感
2. 我們提供寬敞明亮且舒適的辦公環境,辦公室有專屬的創意工作區,偷懶專用沙發區,和超大陽台,隨時可以到戶外放空休息,如果你想要在戶外工作也行
3. 你會有一台 MacBook Air,陪你一起為客戶上山下海
4. 冰箱不定期更新,還有台喬治克隆尼專屬的咖啡機,隨時為你補充精神能量
5. 我們提供優渥的薪資水準及各式獎金。 團隊如果達到公司目標,每年秋季會有紅利獎金來激勵大家~
6. 優於勞基法休假天數,到職滿一年即有十天特休假
7. 我們隨時都有好玩的活動及事情在發生,不定期的主管outing、公司聚餐及下午茶
8. 我們鼓勵員工不斷精進學習,定期舉辦提升工作能力之內部教育訓練、內部案例分享及研討會、不定期邀約海內外優秀的講者來舉辦座談會。
9. 在這裡你會發現台灣的產業非常多元,koodata 主要幫助中小企業如何將自己的產品透過網路推廣到台灣或是全球,讓外國人知道 MIT 的好
10. 完善制度: 組織扁平化、團隊溝通順暢、超人性化經營理念

Salary Range

Negotiable (Above 40K TWD)