Senior Integrated Marketing Specialist / 資深整合行銷專員

Pinkoi Banner

Job Description, a leading online marketplace for unique and original design goods in Asia, is looking for an integrated marketing specialist based in Taiwan.


Job Highlights

  1. Plan, organize and implement digital promotional campaigns regardless of themes, categories, user personas, and regions in Asia.
  2. Good cross-functional (e.g. engineering and visual designers) and cross-regional team work.
  3. Good with numbers. Ability to set measurable goals and evaluate projects by data-driven approaches.
  4. Passionate for local and overseas designs and e-commerce.
  5. Self-starter, energetic, creative curation, problem-solver and well-organized.



  1. Plan, organize and implement digital promotional campaigns regardless of themes, categories, user personas, and regions in Asia.
  2. Execute and monitor the performance of (global / regional) marketing campaigns, and prepare related reports and analysis.
  3. Keep abreast of international market trends through research and analysis and provide suggestions with new insights.
  4. Support online and offline promotional events occasionally.




  1. Passionate for local and overseas designs. Familiar with e-commerce and online shopping trends.
  2. Bachelor’s degree in marketing, journalism or related disciplines, with at least 3 years of relevant work experience.
  3. Ability to produce creative copywriting and campaign curation.
  4. Performance- and target-driven is preferred.
  5. Ability to communicate and work effectively as a team player in a multicultural environment.
  6. Good command of spoken and written English and Chinese.
  7. Solid knowledge in Google Analytics and any other analytics tool is an advantage.

Highly desirable

  1. Experience in the cross-border e-commerce/marketing industry, especially in Asian markets.
  2. Online-shopaholic.
  3. Ability to clearly observe and understand international e-commerce industry trends.

Report Team

Global Marketing Team

Join us and become a Pinkoist

Please attach the following documents:

  1. Your resume in English. (including expected salary)
  2. Your cover letter in English.
  3. Imagine you are the Senior Integrated Marketing Specialist. Suggest upcoming X’mas marketing campaigns in 2020, and organize 4 regions (Taiwan, Hong Kong, Japan and Thailand) customized campaigns based on customer behaviors, also listing SNS plans in order to drive 50% YOY GMV to reach company goals.

We will only notify suitable candidates for an interview. Thank you!





為什麼 Pinkoi 值得你加入?


  • 培養靈感與創意的泉源
    • 提供優於法令,每年多 8 天 Me Time leave。(報到當日即享有比例給予天數)
    • 滿四的倍數週年,另外提供 10 天年資假
    • Pinkoist 專屬假期(Pinkoi Holidays),例如我們不用補班。
    • 信任專業、支持彈性遠端工作(Working from home/anywhere)
    • 不定期 Team Building 活動
  • 成長與績效
    • 線上/實體內部訓練課程
    • 績效評鑑與獎金制度
    • 專業能力進修補助
  • 健康與照護 
    • 團體保險
    • 年度健檢
    • 特約醫護人員進駐
  • 環境與氛圍 
    • 開放式辦公空間,即時溝通不卡關
    • 基本配備使用 Apple 全系列電腦
    • 辦公室隨時備有各式零食、飲料、咖啡
    • 社團活動&不定時發生的有趣小驚喜
  • Pinkoi ESG - 職場友善 (Pinkoi 的人才永續行動宣言
    • 從人才招募、薪酬制度、升遷獎勵等,皆以專業職能為衡量標準,不因為性別而不同。
    • 平等婚假原則:愛不分性別,全球 Pinkoist 履行終身伴侶約定者都可享有婚假。
    • Pinkoi 全球內部擔任主管職務的女性佔比達 60%。我們鼓勵女性隊友發揮個人專業,並提供通暢的升遷管道。
    • Pinkoist 媽媽享有完整的產假權利,超過 80% 的 Pinkoist 媽媽回歸職場後,持續擔任原職務或升遷。
    • 完備的陪產假,讓 Pinkoist 爸爸/伴侶能充分兼顧工作與家庭。

關於 Pinkoi 的更多細節,歡迎你來面試的時候我們再詳聊!


★ 你是人才,但是找不到相關職缺 ★

沒關係,歡迎至『 』,投遞「 General Talents 」並附上履歷,同時分享你覺得很複雜、很有挑戰性,普遍一般人不懂,但是你有深刻專業認識的一件事情,而這件事情可以讓 Pinkoi 更好,讓我們可以更認識你。有合適者,我們會主動通知!

Salary Range

Negotiable (Above 40K TWD)