Job Description

1. 設計測試案例找出前後端及手機App可能的bug或弱點
2. 撰寫並且執行自動測試與手動測試計畫
3. 撰寫自動測試程式並維護自動測試框架

1.Design Test case to find out bugs or vulnerabilities in Backend API/Frontend UI/Mobile Apps
2.Writing and execution test plan for manual and automation testing
3.Writing automation testing code and maintaining automation testing framework


1. 細心與耐心,願意思考了解程式架構與前後端互動細節
2. 有使用Python能力並願意學習Robot Framework與Selenium等測試框架,有經驗者更佳

1. Being Scrupulous and patient, willing to think and learn the program architecture and the detail of interaction between frontend, backend and mobile Apps.
2. Ability to write python scrip and learn the testing framework like Robot framework and Selenium. If you are experienced in this will be a big plus.





1. 員工績效獎金
2. 不定期優秀員工獎金
3. 員工股權
4. 團保
5. 無限零食
6. switch 電玩
7. 不定期聚餐
8. 公司採用責任制,上下班無須打卡,1天以內的請假,只需口頭報備,無請假時數的限制

Salary Range

NT$ 40,000 - 80,000 (Monthly)