Vizuro 維曙智能科技


我們是跨領域的 AI 資料科學服務商,美國波士頓與台北均設有辦公室,專注於創新且實用的資料科學解決方案,歡迎加入我們!



Turn AI into Actions! 

維曙智能科技是美商 Vizuro 在台的全資子公司,具開放自由和目標導向作風。我們專注於開發新世代AI - 低限監督、具自我學習能力,與可解釋性的技術平台,以及全球性跨領域的前瞻應用,含精準行銷、工業視覺檢測、癌症篩檢、生技檢測研發、臨床預測、保險精算等多項領域,以不斷精進的AI技術協助客戶優化決策,實現價值。

我們是一群擁有豐富經驗,來自不同的背景的專業團隊,最大共同點為 - 破解最具挑戰性的業界問題並快速實施解決方案。如果您是:孜孜不懈地尋找使事情變得更簡單美好的方法的偏執狂,喜愛呼吸著數據、數學和科學,並且不畏懼陌生未知領域的技術控,歡迎成為我們的一員。您不需擔心要像瘋子一樣才能加入我們,我們會提供完整訓練!

 "We seek people who relentlessly find ways to make things better and easier, who love data, math, and science, and have no fear for unfamiliar territories."

公司成員 ( 1 / 2 )

Yu-Feng Wei, PhD

Hung-ken Chien, PhD

Yu-Feng Wei, PhD Co-Founder/Vizuro LLC

Dr. Wei has over 20 years of experience in designing and deploying advanced analytics solutions for the industries, including his PhD work in Boeing 787 design. In recent years, Dr. Wei has focused on the applications of artificial intelligence for various industries, including hospitals, life science, payers, and semiconductor. Yu-Feng holds a Ph.D. in mechanical engineering from MIT, a M.S. in industrial engineering from University of Wisconsin-Madison, and B.S. in mechanical engineering from National Taiwan University. He also served as a forward observer in ROC marine corps.

Hung-ken Chien, PhD Co-Founder/Vizuro LLC

Dr. Chien is an expert statistician and economist with over 20 years of experience in predictive modeling with a specialty in econometrics and causal inference. After co-founding Vizuro, he has worked with hospitals, health insurance and pharmaceutical companies to build sophisticated models to support their strategic planning, tactic execution, and day-to-day operations. Hung-Ken has a Ph.D. in economics from Stanford Business School, and a B.S. in mathematics from National Taiwan University.






◆ 彈性上下班時間 Flexible work time

◆ 每週任選一天在家工作 One day a week to WFH 

◆ 免費咖啡 Free coffee 

◆ 配備27吋液晶螢幕,提供雙螢幕 Dual 27" LCD Monitors 

◆ 不定期舉辦員工聚餐或活動  Happy Hour/Team-building activities

◆ 員工慶生 Birthday celebration 

◆ 員工健身/健檢補助 Fitness benefit 

◆ 員工進修和教育訓練 Training and workshops

◆ 定期OKR考核與教練,結合組織策略目標與員工職涯規劃

  Regular OKR review and coaching to align the objectives of team and team members

"No, we do not offer free snacks and drinks (except good coffee). They are unhealthy. We would send you to gyms instead."


