【Vpon JP】Account Manager(Tokyo)

Vpon Style 威朋企業文化:創業家精神、利他、開放

Japan Tokyo 東京都新宿区西新宿1丁目1−6

Recently update on 2019-09-10

Job Description

[About Job]
Reporting to the General Manager, you will play a key role in account management, with the vision and able to give strategic advice to enable data-driven mobile marketing capabilities, generate actionable insights to support maximizing value of digital marketing and increase campaign efficiencies to our clients.


[About You]
• Minimum of 3 years of related account management/ marketing / digital marketing experience
• Experience in digital/online advertising preferred, search engine marketing experience is highly desirable.
• Experience in leveraging multi-channel to deliver against client objectives.
• Experience with acquisition campaigns as well as brand awareness campaigns towards hitting the right audiences.
• General knowledge of tracking technologies and implementation.
• Ability to take a consultancy approach towards advising clients/ partners on their marketing/ digital strategy
• Skilled with performance data analysis to uncover potential performance improvements
• Ability to work with cross functional teams on project management, delivery, optimizations, changes and campaign set up.
• Highly organized project management and budgeting/planning skills
• Ability to illustrate strong presentation skills and high level of comfort in front of clients/ partners
• Ability to offer proactive solutions and ensure successful client relationship progression for potential business growth
• Japanese fluency, English or Chinese business level

※本職務聘僱公司為Vpon Japan K.K






● 超強的夥伴!你沒看錯!我們負責找到優秀的人才跟你一起組隊,一起拓荒,不輕易滅團。

● 超方便交通,捷運中山國中站正對面,跑步騎車上班也很方便!

● 到職首年即享有16天特假,入職後第四年起20天特休。我們重視家庭與生活,請多陪陪家人,假期多,請安排好代理人。

● 彈性上下班制度,用餐時間不限,每日做好做滿8小時

● 週休二日、5天全薪病假,給假歸給假,身體是自己的,要好好照顧!

● 不定期提供Free啤酒!新鮮水果!啤酒肚不在保固範圍。

● 桌遊隨意玩,咖啡隨意喝!好康的軟性飲料與零食! 三不五時還有外部廠商的美味試吃活動喔!

● 瑜珈球、健身器材!是的,身為小清新的工作職人,請保持健美的身材。

● 安靜舒適的媽咪專屬哺乳室,有專用冰箱。

● 工業風格的辦公環境與員工休息區。坐在窗邊裝裝文青。

● 愛心視障按摩服務,每次30元愛心捐款,小小的愛心集氣成大大的力量,每年捐贈給特定慈善機構。

● 定期舉辦慈善二手義賣活動,珍惜好物彼此交流,還能自訂捐款金額,一起做好事!

● 為愛朗讀,每年揪團擔任育幼院慈善志工,為孩子們說故事,帶活動,把歡樂帶給大家。



● 職人講堂活動,與各產業神人交流互動好機會

● 不定期員工活動(Team building、聖誕趴、野餐日、漆彈日等)

● 健康檢查

● 中秋端午節禮金

● 生日禮券

Salary Range

Negotiable (Above 40K TWD)