Job Description

【參加這次的新創職涯咖啡館 KRONOS 場次,你會了解什麼?】

KRONOS leverages more than a decade of successful trading experience at the world' s most elite trading institutions (Citadel Securities, Tower Research, Virtu) to democratize access to the quantitative hedge fund space. This is your chance to work with some of the world's most talented quantitative trading talent without having to move overseas.

We are not just another company. You are not just another applicant. Those with top-notch creativity and logical reasoning abilities, those who dare to think they can change this world and those who seek the truth no matter the hours or the difficulty – you are strongly encouraged to apply.


【提醒】此為 11/ 17 Yourator @Meet Taipei 新創職涯咖啡館活動職缺,欲投遞此職缺請詳讀以下注意事項:

【活動時間】11/17(六)12:30 ~ 15:50

【參加辦法】於 10/25(四)至 11/5(一)18:00 前
本活動形式類似「圓桌會議」,在你有興趣的職缺點擊「應徵」,並送出履歷,即完成報名, Yourator 將從應徵者中為 5 間新創企業分別篩選出 12- 14 位(共 60- 70個名額)報名者成為活動當天的參加者,並於 11/6(二)以 Yourator 站內信發出入選通知。本活動對談共有兩個時段,一名求職者最多可與兩間企業對談(可同時投遞多間企業。由主辦單位篩選安排時段後通知)。


1. 10/25 - 11/5 18:00 在 Yourator 新創職涯平台上完成履歷投遞
2. 11/6 以 Yourator 站內信發出入選通知
3. 入選的參加者需於 11/9 前站內信回覆是否出席
4. 11/ 12 透過 Yourator 站內信向最終確定參加者發出活動參加邀請
5. 11/17 新創職涯咖啡館活動當日

[注意]於本頁面的職缺完成投遞即表示了解「投遞履歷並不等同擁有活動參加資格」,須待甄選收件截止後,收到 Yourator 站內信回覆才表示擁有參加資格。

【 11/17 新創職涯咖啡館當天詳細活動時程】

12:30- 13:00 報到
13:00- 13:30 暖場講座
13:40- 14:20 間新創企業各 8 分鐘「企業文化介紹」
14:20- 15:00 面對面聊職涯 Session 1
15:10- 15:50 面對面聊職涯 Session 2

[注意]Yourator 在發出入選通知時,會一併告知入選的參加者被安排到哪場「面對面聊職涯」的場次( Session 1或 Session 2)


・ Enjoy of solving problem with mathematics (e.g. probability, statistics) and programming (machine learning )
・ Creativity is key: we need to constantly be coming up with new solutions to old problems
・ Effective communicator and eager to work with others
・ Night shift available for those who enjoy sleeping during the day

As a KRONOS Quant, you will gain valuable insights into the elite world of hedge funds and quantitative trading by developing risk/research and execution infrastructure to handle various asset classes and strategies (from high frequency to fundamental) and can research and develop alphas. For talented quants, you will be able to advance rapidly as we have a flat organization and rewards are based solely on merit.





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Salary Range

Negotiable (Above 40K TWD)