
Eats365是香港餐飲界知名的餐飲科技公司,公司快速成長並持續擴編中。我們致力於打造一套「超整合」雲端餐飲解決方案,整合業界零散的科技服務。獨家「POS + 模組 + 第三...


About Us

Eats365是香港餐飲界知名的餐飲科技公司,公司快速成長並持續擴編中。我們致力於打造一套「超整合」雲端餐飲解決方案,整合業界零散的科技服務。獨家「POS + 模組 + 第三方整合」的架構讓所有功能在同一套系統下運作、互相溝通,全面提升餐廳營運效率。在短短數年的時間,公司從一間新創公司到在香港餐飲界成為首選方案,客戶遍及全球19個國家。


我們的解決方案獲得許多知名餐廳的肯定,台灣的石研室、飯饌、Beard Papa's、草山夜未眠、To Be Smoothie 綠果昔,香港的多個美食廣場、企業員工餐廳、The Coffee Academïcs、奇華、%Arabica等都是我們的客戶。


Our Missions


Eats365致力於打造一套「超整合」雲端餐飲解決方案,整合業界零散的科技服務。獨家「POS + 模組 + 第三方整合」的架構讓所有功能在同一套系統下運作、互相溝通,全面提升餐廳營運效率。



我們的承諾: 平易近人的新時代餐飲科技 

Eats365系統採用「模組化」的設計,降低新時代餐飲科技的使用門檻。餐廳可以在「POS + 模組 + 第三方整合」的架構下自由組合出最適合餐廳營運的解決方案。這樣的設計讓餐廳能享有價格彈性、靈活功能、可隨時配合餐廳展店計畫的高擴充性,隨時為下一步做足準備。

Our Mission: A Cohesive F&B Solution 

We are fully dedicated to our mission of joining the disparate parts of the F&B industry into a single, cohesive whole.

With this goal in mind we have created a cloud-based, end-to-end F&B solution that simplifies business operations, connects all aspects of your business and integrates innovative third parties solutions – all under one platform.

Our Vision: The Frontier of Restaurant Tech 

By implementing new innovations like automation, big data, cloud technology and BYOD services, Eats365 aims to solve existing industry problems while pushing the frontier of what it is possible to achieve with restaurant technology.

Ultimately, our vision is to create F&B solutions that allow restaurants big and small to overcome tomorrow’s challenges, today.

Our promise: Tomorrow’s Technology for All 

With our modular solution approach, we removed the barrier to entry by allowing restaurant owners to pick and choose the products, services, and integrations that matter most to them.

This way, each restaurant benefits from a budget-conscious, custom solution that not only scales with them for the future, but is also easy to immediately rollout and master.

Our Story

Eats365 品牌故事:佈局餐飲新時代





Our Story: Empowering Restaurants to Grow Beyond Today’s Limits 

Founded in Hong Kong where the culinary scene is demanding and quick-paced, Eats365 understands how important it is for restaurants to leverage the latest technology to stand out from the crowd and deal with tedious operations and management tasks.

Given that restaurants breathe life and character into communities around the world, we are dedicated to changing the F&B industry in a way that will have a positive impact for both restaurant owners and diners.

How do we go about this? By creating a complete restaurant solution that integrates cutting-edge technology in ways that are useful, advantageous and easy to use.

With offices in Mainland China, Taiwan, Singapore, and the USA, we make tomorrow’s restaurant technology accessible around the world.

By offering a solution that is proactive rather than reactive, we enable restaurants of all shapes and sizes to grow beyond today’s limits, reach their true potential and provide exceptional experiences to their patrons.

This is how Eats365 powers the future of dining.






  1. 彈性工作時間
  2. 組織扁平,有什麼需求跟建議隨時提出
  3. 年假14 天
  4. 不定期出差及國外參訪機會
  5. 不定期部門聚餐
  6. 提供 MacBook 

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