Full-Stack Engineer ( AI 數據標註工具 )

Job Description

• 溝通無障礙:永遠沒有笨問題,我們歡迎不同的想法的發想與討論
• 創意無極限:珍視任何瘋狂的想法,創意沒有邊界
• 嘗試再發現:容許犯錯,因為我們更在意每一次嘗試後的心得與成長
• 技術再進化:想法不斷地翻滾與實踐,每一天都會有紮實的技術心得

• 數據標註工具:若水數據夥伴的化身,透過此平台,可以把平凡無奇的資料,以最有效的方式,轉化成AI可以學習且看得懂的珍貴資料,支援影片、圖片、聲音、文字,並搭配各類型的標註方式(Bounding Box, Polygon, Pixel-wise等)。
• 專案管理系統:好的數據,需要搭配好的產線流程,以確保數據品質。
• 個案管理系統:為標註師鋪上完整的職涯發展、紀錄工作成就、成長歷程,累積每一位標註師的感動與成果。
• 教育訓練系統:提升標註師的標註敏銳度、穩定度與其品質。


About the role:
• Collaborate on estimates, database schemas, front-end mockups, and architectural decisions for human-in-the-loop tools.
• Build & improve code across the entire stack (php,python, javascript) for the existing data management platform
• Design, develop and deploy front-end tools such as interactive interfaces as well as back-end solutions such as APIs and post-processing pipelines.
• Collaborate with teams to provide insightful data via reports or dashboard, to assist the whole team in objective and performance analysis
• Promote strong engineering principles including writing DRY code, test-driven development (unit, functional and end-to-end testing), code reviews, and continuous deployment.

You’re not just looking for a job, you’re looking for an innovative product where you can make a large impact.


• BS or MS degree in Computer Science.
• 3+ years of applied software engineering experience (especially in startups).
• Good knowledge and experience with git version control and software development flow.
• Experience with front-end frameworks like Vue, React or Angular as well as component libraries like Bootstrap, Semantic or Material.
• Experience of developing backend APIs using any language and web frameworks.
• Experience of deploying production-level code to a cloud environment such as AWS or GCP
• Experience with any RDBMS and knowledge on SQL optimization and relational data structure design

• Experience with any NoSQL DB
• Experience with Serverless back-end architecture or Microservice architecture design
• Experience with Scrum/Agile development methodologies.
• Experience with software testing and test automation tools
• Experience with CI/CD tools like Jenkins
• Experience with infrastructure automation technologies like Docker and Kubernetes
• Experience with or knowledge on digital image/sound processing
• Experience with or knowledge on machine learning






◆ 與對科技創新充滿熱情的團隊合作,各領域好手齊聚一堂,相處融洽彼此腦力激盪!
◆ 這裡沒有領帶、高跟鞋,更沒有馬屁文化、派系鬥爭、以及掩飾心虛的術語。你可以直接表達自己的意見,不用帶著恐懼或面具,真誠地面對工作和生活。

◆ 每位夥伴都是若水重要一員,我們提供各個面向的訓練,讓你和團隊一起成長!
◆ 專業職涯成長,需要能力養成,我們提供訓練補助,不怕你學更多。
◆ 透過教練文化(Coaching)、心理師的one on one 諮詢,讓夥伴能更了解自己的盲點,加速成長蛻變。

◆ 寬敞的辦公桌、專業人體工學椅,讓你上班更專注,不腰痠背痛。
◆ 人性化討論空間,四周牆面設有白板,任你天馬行空,又能落地執行。
◆ 鄰近捷運站,省去過多的通勤時間,讓你沉澱自我獲得更多休息。

◆ 每年健檢補助、公司團體保險,照顧好你的身體。
◆ 每天專人帶著你做運動,舒服筋骨,腦袋不打結。
◆ 豐富的零食櫃、點心無限量供應,讓你上班不會餓肚子,隨時滿滿活力,腦袋靈光!

【Work hard, Play hard!】
◆ 每月充電早餐會與慶生會,同事間像朋友,更像家人!
◆ 多元有趣的員工活動:社團活動、聖誕節交換禮物、中秋節派對、樂活主題活動、家庭日、年終尾牙、國內外員工獎勵旅遊。

◆ 優於法令的休假制度(滿1年10天特休、每年5天全薪病假)
◆ 壽星當月生日假、生日禮金
◆ 中秋、端午節金與禮品
◆ 每年12月底發放年終獎金、1月績效考核調薪、發放績效獎金

Salary Range

NT$ 65,000 - 95,000 (Monthly)