Imagineer ( Software Engineer 軟體工程師)

Your Life's Work

Job Description

【Job summary】

Are you looking for working across the product development process, helping users define the problems? Do you have a desire to build user-centric product and solutions that transform emerging markets? Migo designs and builds technology to close the digital divide for the mass market in emerging markets. Our technology involves a combination of hardware, networking, wireless, and software technology distributed through local neighborhood retail hotspots, private and public infrastructures, then to consumers’ mobile devices.
In Migo Product team, you will have the opportunity to build scalable consumer-facing and enterprise software solutions to make sure the efficiency and reliability as we grow. As a software engineer at Migo, you will be hands-on end-to-end development, from UX/UI, develop, test to deploy. We expect everyone has the ownership of their project. If you are excited to work in a high-tempo, agile development environment; Excited to evolve into an interdisciplinary thinker. We are looking for you!
你渴望第一線了解使用者需求、主動發掘並界定問題嗎?你喜歡用雙手打造從0到1的設 計過程,解決沒有人嘗試過的問題?如果你渴望打造對於使用者有意義的服務及產品,或 許你就是我們在找的人!Migo 企圖解決數位落差的挑戰,自行研發軟體技術、硬體設 備、傳輸系統,讓開發中國家消費者能以親近的價格於我們佈設的熱點下載影音內容,並 能夠於行動裝置上離線觀看,不再受到網路的限制。
Migo以使用者為中心,打造滿足客戶端以及企業級的軟體解決方案,以支援龐大的市場 需求。Migo 軟體工程師將第一線傾聽使用者需求、參與軟體開發設計與決策,透過敏捷 式開發,培養設計思維的廣度與高度,開發出令使用者驚艷的產品。如果你喜歡步調快、 變化多端的工作環境,不僅握有一身專業更期待自己成為跨領域人才,有滿滿的學習能 量,歡迎加入我們!


• Design, develop, build, test, deploy and improve scalable consumer-facing and enterprise software solutions
• You will be in charge of one of following projects, such as, CDN, mobile test bank...etc.
• Evaluate, develop and integrate Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system.
• Run daily agile development cycles, collaborating with cross-functional teams
• Continuously find best practices and tools to maximize development efficiency
• 設計、開發、測試、佈署、優化企業級營運及後端管理平台,執行相關專案如:開發 影音及傳輸平台、自動化測試軟體…等
• 評估、開發並整合企業級解決方案 • 敏捷式開發工作型態,跨團隊溝通合作.即時回饋、每日修正 • 持續優化軟體開發、工作流程及營運效能

【Location】 Taipei, Taiwan (20% travel, regional)


【Key qualifications】

• BS degree in Computer Science, or equivalent practical experience.
• At least 3-year experience in backend development
• Able to write scalable, efficient, high quality code
• Familiar with at least one programming languages such as Java, Python, etc.
• Proficient in object-oriented programming; Comfortable with learning new languages and framework.
• Experienced with (or have the desire to learn) an agile approach to software architecture design and development
• 電腦科學、資訊工程相關科系畢業或同等經驗
• 3年以上後端開發經驗
• 精通至少一種程式語言:Java, Python,… etc.
• 具備物件導向思維(object thinking)解決問題的能力,我們深知會 OOP 語言不等於懂 得運用物件導向解決問題,因此熟悉任一 OOP 程式語言是加分但並非必要條件。此 外,願意不斷學習新技術以及系統架構才是關鍵。
• 願意學習成為擁有軟體架構設計師策略腦袋、DevOps 靈活實踐技術的軟體工程師





We work hard & play hard! We know how to take care of you by giving you time. Relax and celebrate with your fellow Imagineers during the company-wide happy hours and culture sharing events across the three offices. Relax with your friends and family by using your unlimited annual leaves. Treat your friends to a night out after your biannual compensation and performance reviews.