System Architect

Job Description

- Work with BD/AM to understand client requirements.
- Design solution architecture for clients.
- Provide architectural guidance to project and engineering team.
- Explain technical issues and IT solution strategies on a project basis.
- Ensure that the designed architecture (software and programs) are in sync with business needs and hardware specifications and capabilities.
- Write the design and technical documentations
- Involve the customer project delivery and internal product development


- 3+ years experiences as consultant of cloud and on-premise software product.
- 5+ years experiences in software development.
- Have clear concept about capacity planning and requirement analysis.
- Familiar with AWS or GCP.
- Familiar with one of the container technologies, e.g., docker, rkt or lxd.
- Familiar with Python or Golang.
- Familiar with Linux, Bash and shell script.
- Knows how to build CI/CD pipeline, and design good deploy process.
- Knowledge about common hardware and storage solution.
- Basic knowledge about AI and Computer Vision is a plus.





1. 兼顧個人創造與團隊合作達成,促進組織目標與個人發展雙贏
- 團隊活動,增進跨部門間資訊交流,即時分享公司發展動態
- 訓練發展,公費資助參予論壇講座,不定期舉辦內部專業與管理培訓課程

2. 追求工作與生活的平衡與多彩
- 週休二日與國定假日
- 依當年度在職比例即享有特休假
- 旅遊假與學習假
- 每月可選擇一天遠端工作,不必困在辦公室

3. 多元獎勵計畫與福利
- 優渥薪資、中秋獎金、年終獎金、績效獎勵
- 績優員工認股、員工團保健檢
- 每月團隊聚餐,公司通通買單
- 定期慶生會活動,滿滿的零食、飲料、歡樂,裝滿你的胃
- 明亮開放現代的工作空間,吧檯咖啡區現磨咖啡喝不完

Salary Range

NT$ 90,000 - (Monthly)